The RESCCUE project supported ecological restoration and erosion control in both Provinces across over 30 villages including the installation of communitybased nurseries, watershed reforestation, riparian rehabilitation, and mangroves planting. In total, around 62,000 seedlings of different species have been planted in Kadavu and Ra on more than 75 ha (incl. mangrove trees (rhizophora), coconut trees, native fruit and nitrogen-fixing species as well as pine trees). 

These activities proved their benefits in terms of livelihoods, community involvement and environmental awareness and education, and provided community members tangible and visible achievements.

Valuable technical lessons have been learned on restoration techniques from the implementation of RESCCUE activities including the planting of firebreaks of customary taboo trees amongst reforested areas and mixed culture of high value exotic species with native species. These lessons are documented in several IAS technical reports, all accessible upon demand. Two reports providing an overview of the benefits and costs of mangrove restoration and afforestation have also been produced. 

Finally, RESCCUE implemented two agroforestry model farms in Ra demonstrating sound land use practices.